
My job shafted me because they know I can’t do anything about it.

I work at a regional company with several locations in my area and recently got a new job there that will start in a few months. Until then, my job is dealing directly with customers when they come in to our location. Originally, this job was pretty great. I worked at a location that was super close to my house that typically was pretty relaxed, which gave me enough time to take my time helping and getting to know customers. However, a few days after I got news about the upcoming position, I got transferred to another location, which is where the problems start. For starters, the new location is twice as far from my house as the old one, so now I’m waking up earlier, using more gas, and getting home later, for no extra pay. This location is also insanely busy. I’m talking line out the door before…

I work at a regional company with several locations in my area and recently got a new job there that will start in a few months. Until then, my job is dealing directly with customers when they come in to our location. Originally, this job was pretty great. I worked at a location that was super close to my house that typically was pretty relaxed, which gave me enough time to take my time helping and getting to know customers. However, a few days after I got news about the upcoming position, I got transferred to another location, which is where the problems start.

For starters, the new location is twice as far from my house as the old one, so now I’m waking up earlier, using more gas, and getting home later, for no extra pay. This location is also insanely busy. I’m talking line out the door before we open busy. Before, I had time to get some coffee or finish some side-tasks, now I feel like I can’t even take a second to sip some water. Because it’s so busy, we end up closing way later, I’m getting home an hour later than I would at the other location. I hate it.

The infuriating part is the knowledge that they did this to me intentionally. They knew that this location is awful, so they chose someone with a reason to not leave the company. It feels like I’m getting punished for getting a promotion. They keep telling me that I need to start acting like a manager but do they pay me like a manager? Hell no. I’d be more than willing to drive farther and work harder for more pay but I’m getting jack shit. I have to survive this for two months but I’m a week in and don’t know if I can.

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