
My job (TAKEAWAY)fired for me for wearing a hoodie outside of work

Listen I’m not perfect and I’m not just posting this just to be like “omg work sucks” though it Fucking does. But I’m here to post because I’ve just been put through the most BULLSHIT firing of my life. I just need anybody to hear me, empathize or just let me vent. First off I live in Belgium. Secondly I live with my gf because student housing is crazy. I study and work in bruxelles but have to live with my gf in Antwerp as I wasn’t able to secure housing. Today I was late. Second time in two weeks. First time was 15 due to a train delay. This time 30 because I’m an idiot and took the wrong train as my gf moved and I wasn’t familiar with the area. Prior to arriving I told my job in discord I would be late. This is what I was…

Listen I’m not perfect and I’m not just posting this just to be like “omg work sucks” though it Fucking does. But I’m here to post because I’ve just been put through the most BULLSHIT firing of my life. I just need anybody to hear me, empathize or just let me vent.

First off I live in Belgium. Secondly I live with my gf because student housing is crazy. I study and work in bruxelles but have to live with my gf in Antwerp as I wasn’t able to secure housing.

Today I was late. Second time in two weeks. First time was 15 due to a train delay. This time 30 because I’m an idiot and took the wrong train as my gf moved and I wasn’t familiar with the area. Prior to arriving I told my job in discord I would be late. This is what I was told to do as of last week because I didn’t use discord because I wanted to explain in person. They told me it didn’t matter what I said because it wasn’t in discord and they could cancel my contract. So today at 10:29 I run in grab my helmet, bag, take off my hoodie in the bathroom because I don’t like my body showing, come out grab bike and I’m ready couldn’t of been 3 minutes. As I’m leaving they tell me sign this paper that I’m late. Cool. They ask me why I didn’t notify anybody of being late.

Wait? I did. I posted in discord. My boss says “no discord is discord you need to talk to me when coming in”. I explain last week they said telling them doesn’t matter I need to post in discord so they can adjust times. He says he’s not them. Fine Fosure I’m sorry I’m just trying to do my best this job keeps me affording to live in Belgium while studying. He replies “then why you spend 10 minutes walking around the hub”. 10 minutes???? That’s a lie. I tell him I got to work immediately???? He says “you prance to bathroom”. To take my hoodie off?? That take 2 seconds. He says “you should take your hoodie off on the train” I’m like dude are you serious? He told me he was very serious and since I’m not willing I’m FIRED.

I’m floored.

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