
My job was outsourced

So Wednesday last week my entire IT helpdesk department (12 people) had a meeting with our VP and HR. They were telling us about this great new company that the company was taking onboard that would help save the company money. So everyone’s thinking “Cool. We just bought another company (which happens somewhat regularly)”. Then the hammer dropped that the new company would be taking over our jobs and we’d be given the opportunity to apply for positions at that company or take a severance package. Our last day at the company will be 12/15/23 Ok. It’s a true slap in the face because some of my coworkers have been with the company 20+ years. I’ve been there 8.5 years myself. We do some checking in to the new company that we’d have the opportunity to apply for jobs at. They’re an hour and a half from our current office,…

So Wednesday last week my entire IT helpdesk department (12 people) had a meeting with our VP and HR. They were telling us about this great new company that the company was taking onboard that would help save the company money. So everyone’s thinking “Cool. We just bought another company (which happens somewhat regularly)”. Then the hammer dropped that the new company would be taking over our jobs and we’d be given the opportunity to apply for positions at that company or take a severance package. Our last day at the company will be 12/15/23

Ok. It’s a true slap in the face because some of my coworkers have been with the company 20+ years. I’ve been there 8.5 years myself. We do some checking in to the new company that we’d have the opportunity to apply for jobs at. They’re an hour and a half from our current office, require their staff to be local, work 100% in the office, pay just over minimum wage, and some other things I can’t think of right now. No one is going to uproot and move to a podunk little town to keep doing our helpdesk jobs with severe pay cuts that would take us down to minimum wage. IT job at $7.25/hr?!? Seriously?!?

So, everyone is essentially being forced to take the severance package which is 2 weeks pay for each year we’ve been at the company, pay out our ETO, and a lump sum equal to the amount the company would’ve paid toward our insurance.

The company the we’ve dedicated thousands of hours of overtime and time away from families on weekends, holidays, birthdays, etc… has just shit on us. They knew good and well that no one would go for a job there. How could we?

They then had the gall to ask one of the guys in the department if he would go to the other company for 2 weeks to tech them our job. A few things here: The guy they asked has been with the company for 22 years so he has dedicated almost held his life to them. 2 weeks isn’t enough time to teach very much at all about IT nevertheless about the proprietary software, vpn clients, RCM software, phone systems, etc… Also, he’d be training the people that are taking our jobs. He told them he wouldn’t be comfortable doing that so we’re waiting to see if he’s told to do it.

Everyone has had the wind taken out of our sails.

Then there was a company wide Teams meeting with the CEO on Friday where everyone attending was informed about my department being outsourced. Only about a third of the company (~1200 people) was able to attend the meeting because of how busy everyone is. They were also told the company is planning to go to 75% outsourced. Everyone is now scared of losing their job.

My wife, who works in a different department for the same company, cried when I told her the news. That was just another reason to piss me off and hate this god damned company.

TL;DR – The company I work for shit on my department by outsourcing our jobs and announcing their upcoming intention to go 75% outsourced.

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