
My last day with my company is October 7th. My manager and I spoke today and she told me that the new guy can’t start until I’m gone so today can be my last day.

I put in a one month notice ending this coming Saturday. I was informed that my last day would be today instead so the new guy could start tomorrow. I told them I am planning on working through Saturday as planned unless they plan on paying me to leave early. I also made sure to send an email to HR (so I had something in writing) that I will leave today if I am paid for my last two shifts. Don’t let them play you. Also put/get something in writing. Protect yourselves. If they want to fire me and deny me two days of pay, unemployment here I come! I do have something else lined up but it’s 1099 and if I’m not making income then I can qualify for both sides of the spectrum. Hope I get fired!

I put in a one month notice ending this coming Saturday. I was informed that my last day would be today instead so the new guy could start tomorrow. I told them I am planning on working through Saturday as planned unless they plan on paying me to leave early. I also made sure to send an email to HR (so I had something in writing) that I will leave today if I am paid for my last two shifts. Don’t let them play you. Also put/get something in writing. Protect yourselves. If they want to fire me and deny me two days of pay, unemployment here I come! I do have something else lined up but it’s 1099 and if I’m not making income then I can qualify for both sides of the spectrum. Hope I get fired!

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