
My life was put at risk of hypoxia.

I am a contractor that sets up on board safety video cameras on airplanes. There are many guidelines to follow, one of them being that I must be provided oxygen when we fly above 10,000 feet MSL. In this incident, we were briefed that the highest altitude will only be 9,999, however a decision was made to go above that and I was told that I still did not need my oxygen mask, even if I had it, there was no oxygen tank on board with a line provided. I had no phone service on the plane, however when we landed my phone blew up with texts asking which of my team were flying (it me), and I was recommended to get checked up on by a doctor afterwards. The whole day went by and I got many texts calls from HR and management and was told not to return…

I am a contractor that sets up on board safety video cameras on airplanes. There are many guidelines to follow, one of them being that I must be provided oxygen when we fly above 10,000 feet MSL.

In this incident, we were briefed that the highest altitude will only be 9,999, however a decision was made to go above that and I was told that I still did not need my oxygen mask, even if I had it, there was no oxygen tank on board with a line provided.

I had no phone service on the plane, however when we landed my phone blew up with texts asking which of my team were flying (it me), and I was recommended to get checked up on by a doctor afterwards. The whole day went by and I got many texts calls from HR and management and was told not to return to work until I was cleared by a doctor; I went and saw one and was cleared the next day

Something definitely was not right and I feel like I was involved in a major violation. What are my options?

TLDR; My job sent me to high altitude without proper equipment, putting me at risk of possibly being harmed/dying of hypoxia. Dr. cleared me to go back to work the next day, but do I need to escalate this further? Because it seemed like such a big deal.

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