
My manager called me into his office today to tell me that I take way too long in the bathroom.

Right after I got out of the bathroom today, he called me into his office and shut his door. He said that the amount of times I use the bathroom a day and the length is getting ridiculous. He claimed that I used the bathroom today for example 4 different times at 20 minutes plus each which is untrue. Now I feel like he’s watching and timing every time I use the bathroom even though his accusations are inaccurate. Usually I have to regularly BM twice a day and sometimes they both are at work. Because of stomach issues I have it can take up to 10-15 minutes each time. I don’t find this unreasonable especially because I finish all of my work. He said it is disruptive because whenever I’m in the bathroom is when he’s looking for me or needs me for something. He also said, there only…

Right after I got out of the bathroom today, he called me into his office and shut his door. He said that the amount of times I use the bathroom a day and the length is getting ridiculous. He claimed that I used the bathroom today for example 4 different times at 20 minutes plus each which is untrue. Now I feel like he’s watching and timing every time I use the bathroom even though his accusations are inaccurate.

Usually I have to regularly BM twice a day and sometimes they both are at work. Because of stomach issues I have it can take up to 10-15 minutes each time. I don’t find this unreasonable especially because I finish all of my work.

He said it is disruptive because whenever I’m in the bathroom is when he’s looking for me or needs me for something. He also said, there only one stall and if others have to use the bathroom they have to wait on me. This is ridiculous because there’s other bathrooms across the way. I offered to start using the bathroom across the way to not inconvenience anyone else.

He continued to press the issue saying that amount of time is just way too long. I told him that I don’t know what to tell him, that it takes me that amount of time to go and if he needs me he can always text me to see where I’m at. He continued to press the issue. At this point I was fed up and then said, you know what? I’ll talk to my ass about it tonight and see if it can do anything to make a change.

I found this very embarrassing and degrading. Am I wrong for feeling this way? it made me want to quit on the spot and put him on blast in front of everyone but of course i calmed down and finished my work until the end of day. What should I do in this situation?

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