
My manager essentially fired me scott free and there’s no recourse for me

I'm in the National Guard and worked for a company in the trades, the day before I went on State Active Duty, my manager asked me to email him a letter of resignation and basically say I found better opportunity in the military. I'm not stupid so of course I didn't do that and I've cleared things up through my CoC so my manager understood I was planning to come back, but that was mainly so they didn't try mailing my last check out like they said they would and I would have it direct deposited as normal instead of jumping through hoops or driving 6 hrs to pick up my mail and driving back. I technically still have my job, but I don't feel secure in going back after what my manager pulled and I'm looking for other jobs now. I talked to USERRA to see what options I…

I'm in the National Guard and worked for a company in the trades, the day before I went on State Active Duty, my manager asked me to email him a letter of resignation and basically say I found better opportunity in the military.

I'm not stupid so of course I didn't do that and I've cleared things up through my CoC so my manager understood I was planning to come back, but that was mainly so they didn't try mailing my last check out like they said they would and I would have it direct deposited as normal instead of jumping through hoops or driving 6 hrs to pick up my mail and driving back.

I technically still have my job, but I don't feel secure in going back after what my manager pulled and I'm looking for other jobs now.

I talked to USERRA to see what options I had and they basically told me unless they actually fire me, as in I go back and they don't allow me to come back, I have no options to pursue any sort of legal action.

I'm just gonna do my SAD until I can't and look for other jobs because I'm not gonna leave SAD without having a job actually secured and I don't want to work for that company anymore if that's how they're gonna be. It's really frustrating.

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