I’m a full time college student, I only work on weekends. I’ve been working at this place since the middle of july on opening shift (5am-1pm) It is usual to have only one person per shift which is where my issue starts. I’ve had excruciating swimmer’s ear for around 2 days and today I toughened out the pain with tylenol but later it came crashing down on me in a fever, body aches, and worsened pain in my ear. I’ve NEVER called out until this point and I thought my manager would understand but she completely lost it as I only work 2 days a week and how this was completely unacceptable for me to call out on such short notice. she said there better be proof and then abruptly hung up before I could say goodbye. (I do have a doctor’s note, I went to the doctor’s immediately after my shift today to get an antibiotic) I’m still in shock, I feel this pit of guilt in my stomach and now, I feel like I should’ve just sucked it up.