
My manager had my car (and home) wrongfully towed & impounded because he doesn’t support pride month and LGBT+, after I was harmlessly passing out free flyers and flag pins. Not sure what to do

My current situation shows the progress promoted by the media about equality with marginalized groups like Trans folk such as myself, is nothing more than a delusion. Especially down south out in the sub towns. Somewhat long post below: My boss pushes a lot of politics at work but strangely never started off making things unbearable at work. However a couple days ago when a friend who works at another store gave me some flyers to pass out for pride month (just flyers asking to support a list of charities if they can) he got pretty mad. He started leaking his personal politics into work but a couple of his sub managers had prevented hm from doing anything crazy because the flyers were harmless and he didn't want to look like the bigot that he is. Plus, it was only a dozen flyers. Those were given out and nothing else…

My current situation shows the progress promoted by the media about equality with marginalized groups like Trans folk such as myself, is nothing more than a delusion. Especially down south out in the sub towns. Somewhat long post below:

My boss pushes a lot of politics at work but strangely never started off making things unbearable at work. However a couple days ago when a friend who works at another store gave me some flyers to pass out for pride month (just flyers asking to support a list of charities if they can) he got pretty mad. He started leaking his personal politics into work but a couple of his sub managers had prevented hm from doing anything crazy because the flyers were harmless and he didn't want to look like the bigot that he is. Plus, it was only a dozen flyers. Those were given out and nothing else happened. Harmless.

Today in the morning I came back to work and my friend who works overnight and goes home when I start at my job, had 10 extra shirt pins with the trans flag on it he wanted me to offer to customers just to be in the spirit of pride month (for those who don't know June is pride month for us of the LGBT+ primarily in the USA but also other countries). I ended up parking next to my boss in the parking lot as I was motioned by one of the lower managers that I could park in a spot that was usually reserved for managers, because of sidewalk renovations going on the crews had stuff blocking a couple parking spots not giving me enough room to park my vehicle elsewhere.

I continued to work like normal, my boss told me that giving the customers items was “a bad influence” and we may get “less” customers because I was giving them something for free. Of course the real reason is he didn't agree with LGBT (Trans especially) and wanted to try and stop me. I ended up quickly giving away ten pins to customers and then for the next few hours worked like normal. The pins looked similar to this but round, completely harmless:

Literally nothing bad about giving out stuff like this for unity of the month.

Despite the passage of time my boss who comes out of nowhere is visibly fuming. he only asks me one question, did I hand out all the pins. I answered yes and told him a lot of people support unity in pride Month. He said, that's interesting and walked off.

Close to an hour later, Martha (love you Martha!) one of the lower managers, had rushed to tell me that my car was being towed. By the time I went to see what was going on the tow was down the street. It quickly became clear afterward what had happened, someone called the towing company to remove a car in a reserved spot that would not move. It was clear the call was from my main manager, but nobody observed him make the call and we had no cameras in that area. We submitted a request to investigate with HR who said it could take a few business days before that can happen, and also called the police to try and remove my car from impound. Sadly, the Police won't help since they don't have any evidence of a crime yet, and until we have something for an investigation they say the towing company acted on good faith. There is one business across the street that may have a camera who can see if he came out to chat with the tow truck operator, but at this time their manager who can access the system won't be around until morning. If by then the footage exists than legal action can be taken. However, that won't solve the current problem.

My car is important for a couple reasons. One, sometimes I have to do deliveries at my job which require my car, I also work part-time with lyft everyday once my morning shift at my job is over to keep my head over water. I barely make due combining both incomes which also leads to the third reason the car is needed, I live out of my car. I don't currently have any apartment or such because I can't afford the rent, and I haven't received any calls back for section 8 or other programs which can last as long as several months to a couple years before they get back to you.

My disgusting boss has my car wrongfully and maliciously towed just because he couldn't handle that people were being accepting about something he didn't agree with. Nothing against the rules, he was just an asshole. Everything was 100% harmless. So my Car, which is my house and what I need to work my second-job to make ends meet, is now at the mercy of the towing lot.

I went by there to explain but they won't let it go without proof. They set the price at $95 to get the car out today, and warned me that every SINGLE day it sits on the lot without being removed they will add a penalty $45 charge to the fee for removal. This is apparently standard and legal.

Of course, since the car is also where I live, I can't wait I need to get the car out TODAY, and I have no idea what to do. I never made enough for savings and am not currently in the position to approve for any creditcard or loan so I'm desperate for a way to get the car out. If things work out with the investigation into my boss than there may be compensation but that's not going to be today and sadly I need the car now not just for income but again, I unfortunately need it as a living space as well.

My boss also knew I was living in my car, this is all intentional that he would drag me into this knowing that I would likely have a problem getting my car out the lot. All because of some Pride month fun and unity. I'm completely panicked right now and not sure what to do, I have to figure out something before the end of the day.

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