
My manager is being chewed out over his dog dying

My manager is a great person. I know, I know, kind of rare. He listens and respects all our opinions, knows how to take and give criticism and gives raises based on merit and deliveries. With that being said, HR at our company sucks. It's genuinely the worst I've ever come across. Love spending money on work parties and get-togethers and gifting us bullshit items (cups, ugly shirts and whatever), and apparently reckon that's all there is to HR. Last year, my work bestie ended up quitting her job after being blatantly blamed by HR for having been sexually harassed by a client. I spoke on her behalf and against said client but they still ''benched'' her and left her with no prospects for weeks, basically being shunned into silence. This is just one example of their horrible attitude and work ethic. Trust me, there's so much more. I'm an…

My manager is a great person. I know, I know, kind of rare. He listens and respects all our opinions, knows how to take and give criticism and gives raises based on merit and deliveries.

With that being said, HR at our company sucks. It's genuinely the worst I've ever come across. Love spending money on work parties and get-togethers and gifting us bullshit items (cups, ugly shirts and whatever), and apparently reckon that's all there is to HR. Last year, my work bestie ended up quitting her job after being blatantly blamed by HR for having been sexually harassed by a client. I spoke on her behalf and against said client but they still ''benched'' her and left her with no prospects for weeks, basically being shunned into silence. This is just one example of their horrible attitude and work ethic. Trust me, there's so much more.

I'm an engineer but my team is mostly WFH, very rarely we have to go to a site, and that includes my manager. He even lives in a different state, and only flies in about once every two months or less.

Well, he was supposed to fly in on Monday for this bullshit event HR planned with all the managers of our sector. Seriously, it's just 8 hours of complete bullshit and annoying ass ''dynamic games''. But on Wednesday, he received the news that his 14 year old dog will not recover from end-stage liver failure and will either pass away naturally in the next few days or have to be put down by next week.

He requested that they cancel his flight and hotel reservation for the couple of days he was supposed to be here, and guess what HR's response was? Well, after not responding at all for a few hours, they then texted back that it would be too expensive for the company to cancel the ticket and reservation. The same company that throws lavish 100k dollar parties every year (the plane ticket would have cost them about 200 dollars TOPS). Now, they've been chewing out (seriously, it's turned into a whole thing) the poor man since yesterday because of him wanting to stay home during his family dogs's final days.

I'm so fucking pissed for him. He told me if they keep demanding he fly in, he'll quit. He's not even requesting days off, just to continue WFH so he can be with her dying 14 year old dog. This whole situation had truly made me so pissed off. I'm technically ''second in command'' (when my manager goes on vacation, I'm the one who takes the management role during that time period) and offered to go to the event and relay everything to her later, but they said no. I'm fully convinced they're doing this out of sheer pettiness and it's made me so disheartened.

I fucking hate big corporations.

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