
My manager is obsessed with me and Im starting to get worried

Two years ago I started a new job. My new manager was overly friendly and quickly made me uncomfortable, but her being my manager, I did not say anything and just went with the flow. She would call me multiple times a day, even on her days off. She would call from her car, from her doctor office, from the dog park. She would mostly talk about non work stuff and it would last hours. She would also call me right before I would clock out and kinda keep me “hostage” for up to 2 hours after. ​ Things of course got that bad slowly and she knew I needed this job very bad so she took advantage of it. ​ She lied to me a lot and was incredibly manipulative. She also scared me saying multiple times “you will never get rid of me”, “you're my only best friend”,…

Two years ago I started a new job. My new manager was overly friendly and quickly made me uncomfortable, but her being my manager, I did not say anything and just went with the flow. She would call me multiple times a day, even on her days off. She would call from her car, from her doctor office, from the dog park. She would mostly talk about non work stuff and it would last hours. She would also call me right before I would clock out and kinda keep me “hostage” for up to 2 hours after.

Things of course got that bad slowly and she knew I needed this job very bad so she took advantage of it.

She lied to me a lot and was incredibly manipulative. She also scared me saying multiple times “you will never get rid of me”, “you're my only best friend”, “I will never let you leave me”.
Of course she would says that “”joking”” and even if it was super creepy, I tried to forget about it to remain sane and also thought it was just a show. She also did similar things to the girl that worked with me at the beginning (never as bad tho).

At some point, I got the Stockholm syndrome and was nice to her as well, I was even “liking” her even tho I was still scared of her. in the last few months, she made my life at work even worst by dumping her responsibilities on me so I stepped back and stopped being friendly, I would try to remain professional but she could tell I was annoyed by her. she blamed my coldness on overwork.

I have now left the company and she is messaging me on my personal number late at night. She also has my home address.

Im starting to really worry, that she is for real obsessed with me and will never “let me go”. She thought I was cold to her at work because she was my manager and thought we would be best friend now. I'm kinda scared of her and of what she could do to make me “pay” if I ignore her. She told me crazy stories of what she did to people who did her wrong and how her dog killed another dog (while she was laughing about it).

I apologize if this is not the right threat for it, I was not sure where to post.

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