
My manager knowingly put me in an uncomfortable situation (retail), am I right to be upset?

CW: family pets being put down I work at a pet store. It’s a smaller boutique type vibe so we get a lot more personal with people and on occasion get someone who is about to put their pet down. My family dog suddendly got sick and had to be put down just a few days ago, we had literally no idea anything was wrong and then two hours after symptoms presented he was gone. We didn’t really get a warning and I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. I had the next day off of work and used my pet bereavement day for the following day because I needed another day. Then I came back and everyone (especially management) knew what happened. The day I got back we had a customer come in, she came up to the desk and said that she’s putting down the family dog…

CW: family pets being put down

I work at a pet store. It’s a smaller boutique type vibe so we get a lot more personal with people and on occasion get someone who is about to put their pet down. My family dog suddendly got sick and had to be put down just a few days ago, we had literally no idea anything was wrong and then two hours after symptoms presented he was gone. We didn’t really get a warning and I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. I had the next day off of work and used my pet bereavement day for the following day because I needed another day. Then I came back and everyone (especially management) knew what happened. The day I got back we had a customer come in, she came up to the desk and said that she’s putting down the family dog tomorrow and wants help picking stuff out. My heart dropped, I didn’t get the chance to give him a fun last day with treats and it just hurts. I turned to my manager who’s right next to me and I say “hey would you mind helping this person?” And my manager turns to me and just says “you know what you’re doing” and turns back around. The customer was right in front of us so I didn’t want to argue with my manager and make the customer feel unwanted. After I told my manager that was really upsetting especially since I asked for help and she just said “yeah when you walked away I knew that wasn’t the right choice, that must’ve sucked for you.” Part of me is mad, she knew what had happened, we literally discussed it earlier and I had asked for help in the way that I could. On the other hand I realize I’m likely just being really sensitive and this is life. The business just talks so much about “having our back” and “just ask for help” but then I was put in a situation that created a huge panic attack. But again that’s also not their responsibility so it’s hard. AITA for being frustrated by the situation? I’m going to just let it go I just want to know

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