
My manager lied to me and I missed out on an important opportunity

I just presented virtually at a conference, which I paid to do out of pocket. I love going to conference and I am currently in a short-term position, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to network. This year the rotating conference was in a very important city in my field, and everyone I knew through my career was going. When I started this position, my Manger told me I had a $2k professional development fund, and I quickly made a presentation proposal and submitted it before the conference deadline. A few months go by, my proposal was accepted, and then he says, actually, short term employees don't get the money. I was kidna devastated, but rules are rules, right? Wrong. Other coworkers, who are higher up on the hierarchy, started talking amongst themselves about me going to conference, and then found out I was presenting virtually. So…

I just presented virtually at a conference, which I paid to do out of pocket. I love going to conference and I am currently in a short-term position, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to network. This year the rotating conference was in a very important city in my field, and everyone I knew through my career was going.

When I started this position, my Manger told me I had a $2k professional development fund, and I quickly made a presentation proposal and submitted it before the conference deadline. A few months go by, my proposal was accepted, and then he says, actually, short term employees don't get the money.

I was kidna devastated, but rules are rules, right? Wrong. Other coworkers, who are higher up on the hierarchy, started talking amongst themselves about me going to conference, and then found out I was presenting virtually. So during my virtual presentation, one of them contacts me and let's me know I do actually have access to the professional development funding.

So basically my manager lied to me. Now I just feel like he thinks I am incompetent and that I don't deserve the money. It sucks so much. I wish I could go back in time and go to the conference! I guess I can go to a different conference now, but it just won't be the same. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity he took away from me, and he won't ever have to have any consequences because he just got a new job! What as asshat.

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