
My manager made me cry

I work in claims and today I had my one on one with my manager. I expected it to go well since I went above and beyond at work and even worked off the clock. Instead my manager criticized me for 30 minutes straight. One of the issues she brought up is me working off the clock. Now I can understand that and I definitely will stop working off the clock especially since I can see how the company can get in trouble for not paying me for working off the clock but the problem I had is that anytime I spoke a word, she would try to twist it into something negative. I apologized to her and told her I won’t work off the clock anymore but she made it seem like I was doing it on purpose to get the company in trouble when it was simply old…

I work in claims and today I had my one on one with my manager. I expected it to go well since I went above and beyond at work and even worked off the clock. Instead my manager criticized me for 30 minutes straight. One of the issues she brought up is me working off the clock. Now I can understand that and I definitely will stop working off the clock especially since I can see how the company can get in trouble for not paying me for working off the clock but the problem I had is that anytime I spoke a word, she would try to twist it into something negative. I apologized to her and told her I won’t work off the clock anymore but she made it seem like I was doing it on purpose to get the company in trouble when it was simply old habits from my last job that I need to get rid of. She kept going off on me and even said I’m putting her job in jeopardy when I already apologized to her and said I wouldn’t do it again. I tried to explaining to her about how I did that because of old habits from my last job and I will stop doing it but she didn’t listen. She also did not encourage me at all.

Furthermore, I spoke to her about how some of the same claims pop up and she turned around and twisted my words and said oh your saying you can’t work those claims now. I told her no I was just saying those same claims kept popping up and it’s harder to work a variety of claims because of that. Well she went off by saying she knows the work basket better than me. She has been doing this for years and I cannot tell her something she doesn’t already know. I also told her about the errors I kept receiving and she told me well everyone receives errors so you need to deal with it. Then she started questioning me saying well did you even do the system update like I told you to ?! Like it’s some how my fault for getting system errors. I tried telling her I did it but she didn’t believe me and said I didn’t do it. I will also never forget when I ended up in the hospital a few weeks ago and it counted against me because I didn’t use my PTO. I reached out to her from the hospital and it still counted against me since my job doesn’t offer sick time. I literally cried after that meeting. I think it’s time I look for a new job.

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