
My manager told me not to come in..

Just venting. I work nights. We are guaranteed 35 hours per work no matter what we work as long as we clock in on time and stay till we're done. I had training on days last week and was told by my manager that i didn't have to come in those nights i had class. Now this week, i got denied my guarantee and he's saying he told me i had to come in. went to HR but it's not use cause it's just he said, she said. And to make it worse, he texted me on my work phone the last day of the week saying “i need you here tonight” knowing damn well i didn't have my work phone on me. feels like i was set up. lost 11 hours of pay, about $250. so frustrating, cause it probably seems like nothing to him. and now i'm trying…

Just venting. I work nights. We are guaranteed 35 hours per work no matter what we work as long as we clock in on time and stay till we're done.
I had training on days last week and was told by my manager that i didn't have to come in those nights i had class.
Now this week, i got denied my guarantee and he's saying he told me i had to come in. went to HR but it's not use cause it's just he said, she said.
And to make it worse, he texted me on my work phone the last day of the week saying “i need you here tonight” knowing damn well i didn't have my work phone on me. feels like i was set up.
lost 11 hours of pay, about $250.
so frustrating, cause it probably seems like nothing to him. and now i'm trying to figure out how to catch up on bills and take care of my 3 kids.

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