
My manager told me to change my personality

She has always picked on me for being too quiet. I don’t know what else she wants from me, I sit at my desk and I do my job and when there’s something to be done around the office I do it. But because she doesn’t see me flying all over the place like the other woman that used to work there and liked to play “office mom”, she assumes I’m not doing anything. She literally said “you need to be more active”. When I said its just my personality to sit quietly and I can’t change my personality, she said yes I can cause she used to be quiet too but she changed for the job. Then she said maybe I’ll be better suited as an admin cause all they do is sit at their desk. Its one of those jobs where you get paid to do nothing but…

She has always picked on me for being too quiet. I don’t know what else she wants from me, I sit at my desk and I do my job and when there’s something to be done around the office I do it. But because she doesn’t see me flying all over the place like the other woman that used to work there and liked to play “office mom”, she assumes I’m not doing anything. She literally said “you need to be more active”.
When I said its just my personality to sit quietly and I can’t change my personality, she said yes I can cause she used to be quiet too but she changed for the job. Then she said maybe I’ll be better suited as an admin cause all they do is sit at their desk. Its one of those jobs where you get paid to do nothing but the managers still want you to “look busy”.
Well bitch if you want me to look busy give me something to look busy doing.
I really hate the corporate culture of it doesn’t matter how well you do your job but if you’re the guy that’s jumping all over the place, gossiping and disrupting the peace, your manager would assume that you’re doing a good job, but the person thats quietly doing your job and theirs at their desk could get fired because the manager doesn’t see them.
The other woman that liked to play office mom would walk around asking people if they need help and basically tell them how to do their job (it was very annoying), so my manager told me to also walk around and ask people if they need help. First of all, these are grown ass men if they need help they can let me know, but I’m not going to mommy anyone.
Why do I have to do that? Because I’m a woman?
Fuck this shit, can anyone think of a #maliciouscompliance way to get back at her especially the “be more active” comment, all I have are doing jumping jacks in front of her office or printing unnecessary shit to “look busy”

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