
My managers are mad I had a doctor’s note, so I’m quitting

I returned to work yesterday after being off work for a week and a half with an injury (non workplace related). My coworker informed me that my assistant manager and my direct manager (I work in a bakery/deli at a grocery store) were talking shit about me while I was gone. The assistant manager even went so far as to say something to the effect of “I work even when my wrists hurt! Why does Snaccdaddy need a doctor’s note?”. My bakery manager said that I’ve been “dropping the ball.” I’ve been with this company for almost a year and have put up with shitty management, bullshit policies, and being screwed out of two positions/promotions. In my department I’m the only one who consistently shows up on time, who comes in when called in (which I’ve basically stopped doing with all the shit they’ve pulled), who actually does their job…

I returned to work yesterday after being off work for a week and a half with an injury (non workplace related). My coworker informed me that my assistant manager and my direct manager (I work in a bakery/deli at a grocery store) were talking shit about me while I was gone. The assistant manager even went so far as to say something to the effect of “I work even when my wrists hurt! Why does Snaccdaddy need a doctor’s note?”. My bakery manager said that I’ve been “dropping the ball.”

I’ve been with this company for almost a year and have put up with shitty management, bullshit policies, and being screwed out of two positions/promotions. In my department I’m the only one who consistently shows up on time, who comes in when called in (which I’ve basically stopped doing with all the shit they’ve pulled), who actually does their job and then some. By “dropping the ball” my bakery manager means I’m not completing their work they leave me on top of my normal duties.

It makes me really glad that I spent my time off applying for other better paying jobs with better hours and benefits (which I don’t have! Despite being a full time employee, I don’t have PTO or health insurance despite qualifying). I’ve had two interviews with different companies and have a second interview tomorrow, and I’m sure I’ll be getting an offer. I planned on being professional and putting in a two week notice, but now I think I’ll just quit on the spot.

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