
My managers called my landlord to get dirt on me. My neighbors hate me and said a lot of shit.

Feeling hopeless and lost. My managers are fucking treacherous bullies and I am getting suicidal. My apartment has super thin walls and my neighbor above has gotten sick of me masterbating and has started yelling at me for every little sound and has started keeping me up at night till 3 am. Anyway I texted my manager that I may be sleepy due to this. Had a quick chat with him and from what the managers are saying and laughing about they called my landlord or someone and got dirt on me. My life seems ruined….

Feeling hopeless and lost. My managers are fucking treacherous bullies and I am getting suicidal. My apartment has super thin walls and my neighbor above has gotten sick of me masterbating and has started yelling at me for every little sound and has started keeping me up at night till 3 am.

Anyway I texted my manager that I may be sleepy due to this. Had a quick chat with him and from what the managers are saying and laughing about they called my landlord or someone and got dirt on me. My life seems ruined….

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