
My mentor gave all of his accounts to his new hire family friend, im at a loss right now

Just wanted to rant. Long story short, my boss, who ive been working closely with for the last 6 years, hired his family friend who lost her job and gave her all of his accounts. The position that he hired her for was for the promotion i was aiming for (she has no experience in this field), and has disclosed to me that he should be getting a promotion soon (all the work ive been doing for the last 6 years made him look like a top producer) and is looking to promote her AGAIN to his current position after he gets it. Anyone have an experience like this? Where do i go from here? Ive lost all faith in him that he's looking out for my best interests and he knows im looking to buy a house and start a family… He also calls me his lil brother…

Just wanted to rant. Long story short, my boss, who ive been working closely with for the last 6 years, hired his family friend who lost her job and gave her all of his accounts. The position that he hired her for was for the promotion i was aiming for (she has no experience in this field), and has disclosed to me that he should be getting a promotion soon (all the work ive been doing for the last 6 years made him look like a top producer) and is looking to promote her AGAIN to his current position after he gets it.

Anyone have an experience like this? Where do i go from here? Ive lost all faith in him that he's looking out for my best interests and he knows im looking to buy a house and start a family… He also calls me his lil brother…

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