
My minor victory

Thought y'all might appreciate this story of how I left/lost my retail job last month. I had been there over a year, AM for the last 8 months. We became painfully short-staffed in February, with only the GM (an underpaid 20 year old on a petty power trip), one cashier, and myself running the store. I had only intended to be part time at 15 hours/week, but I was regularly given 30+. I got Covid in April and took 10 days off as it spread through my family. DM told me the sign I'd seen for the paid week off for a positive test was no longer effective. I'd have to use my pto, but if GM called him, he could get it in retroactively. GM did not do that, and instead put it on the schedule for mid May. We got another AM while I was out, but overwork…

Thought y'all might appreciate this story of how I left/lost my retail job last month.
I had been there over a year, AM for the last 8 months. We became painfully short-staffed in February, with only the GM (an underpaid 20 year old on a petty power trip), one cashier, and myself running the store. I had only intended to be part time at 15 hours/week, but I was regularly given 30+. I got Covid in April and took 10 days off as it spread through my family. DM told me the sign I'd seen for the paid week off for a positive test was no longer effective. I'd have to use my pto, but if GM called him, he could get it in retroactively. GM did not do that, and instead put it on the schedule for mid May. We got another AM while I was out, but overwork continued as GM gave herself more days off. A week into May I realized I wasn't going to get a single weekend day off, and I'd hardly get to see my husband that month. I was tempted to quit right then, but I gave my 2 weeks notice because I wanted to make sure I got my pto (the company doesn't pay it out when you leave), and I felt bad for GM because she wasn't treated well either. I told her I understand they're not going to let me use pto during my last 2 weeks, so if she could put it in retroactively I'll work regular hours till the end. She was pissed because she made plans for Memorial Day weekend and was counting on me working it. She said I'd have to talk to DM, so I left him a voicemail as soon as I got home. An hour later GM texted me that she was gonna go ahead and terminate me then. When DM called me back, I explained what happened and I could practically hear his facepalm when I said she fired me. They had to pay out my pto anyway since it had already been approved. Leaving immediately and getting my pto was literally my best case scenario.

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