
My mom is having a rough time

I don’t really know where else to talk about this. I also don’t know whether I should even post this, because I haven’t asked my mom if she wanted me to, and this is her problem, not mine. But I just feel worried about her. Of course, I won’t give any identifying info or anything, but still. So, my mom works at a hospital. She is supposed to work the weekend every few weeks. But this time her weekend has been pushed forward because her boss made a mistake when posting the draft for the schedule by not having seen a couple of scheduling requests that her boss got, even though those requests were put in in a timely manner. Her boss had two options: either push those two people’s weekends forward, or push their weekends back and push someone else’s weekends forward. Of course, her boss chose the latter…

I don’t really know where else to talk about this. I also don’t know whether I should even post this, because I haven’t asked my mom if she wanted me to, and this is her problem, not mine. But I just feel worried about her. Of course, I won’t give any identifying info or anything, but still.

So, my mom works at a hospital. She is supposed to work the weekend every few weeks. But this time her weekend has been pushed forward because her boss made a mistake when posting the draft for the schedule by not having seen a couple of scheduling requests that her boss got, even though those requests were put in in a timely manner. Her boss had two options: either push those two people’s weekends forward, or push their weekends back and push someone else’s weekends forward. Of course, her boss chose the latter and chose my mom as one of the people to take the fall. So basically her boss is bending over backwards for other people and leaving my mom in the dust. And the thing is, this isn’t the first time this has happened. My mom’s schedule has been screwed over time and time again. My mom thinks that maybe, because she and her boss are friends, her boss feels like they can ask this of her no problem. But that’s not the case. My mom was upset to tears over this. She feels like people don’t think she matters. And whenever she tries to stand up for herself things just end up worse for her. Her boss gave her alternatives, but they’re just worse because then my mom would be asking to push other people’s weekends forward, and then she would look like an asshole for requesting that. At least, that’s how she feels. She said that whenever her boss gives her alternatives, they’re always worse. At one point she said something like, “Maybe I should try to find another job,” but then she went on to say that there aren’t any other options that wouldn’t have her taking a long drive to get to work, and she doesn’t want that. She also doesn’t want to strain her relationship with her boss by trying to stand up for herself or something like that. But if her boss is consistently using my mom like this, is that really how friends are supposed to treat each other? And honestly her boss sounds a little incompetent if this keeps happening. I don’t know the circumstances surrounding those other times, but still. But my mom says she understands that her boss is stuck between a rock and a hard place in this situation. Honestly, I think my mom is too nice for her own good. I think both of my parents are like this when it comes to their jobs. I think I get it from them actually. I don’t have a job, but I know that sometimes I can be too nice because I hate being confrontational. But idk what to say or do. Again, this isn’t a one-time thing; this is a pattern. At least, that’s how I hear it. Maybe I’m wrong, idk. Thoughts?

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