
My mom just learned the hard way that loyalty to a employer gets you nowhere

My mom worked as a daycare teacher and made $10/hour and usually worked 11 hour days. She insisted that the pay was really great and that she had such a wonderful boss. Well a few months ago she broke her foot at work and had to take 3 months off. She found out recently that they had been complaining about her behind her back saying that it must be nice to get a 3 month vacation and that they’re getting tired of her not showing up. She was apparently one of the best teachers they had and when she found out about how they were talking about her she quit on the spot. She called me telling me about this and said she couldn’t understand how they could treat her like this, I explained to her that as an employer they will very rarely see you as anything more than…

My mom worked as a daycare teacher and made $10/hour and usually worked 11 hour days. She insisted that the pay was really great and that she had such a wonderful boss. Well a few months ago she broke her foot at work and had to take 3 months off. She found out recently that they had been complaining about her behind her back saying that it must be nice to get a 3 month vacation and that they’re getting tired of her not showing up. She was apparently one of the best teachers they had and when she found out about how they were talking about her she quit on the spot.

She called me telling me about this and said she couldn’t understand how they could treat her like this, I explained to her that as an employer they will very rarely see you as anything more than an asset to be used and if you arnt useful to them then they arnt going to care about how you feel. It’s something I’ve said for years and she always denied it but now finally understands. I doubt this lesson will stick with her long but I’m glad she at least understood how little they valued her.

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