
My mother who owns a house and decent car, and has a 6 figure job, thinks if she lost all of those today, she’d get them back and work for them with no problem.

I genuinely cannot believe her. It’s like she’s still living in the 80s and 90s. I tried telling her that it’s much different now because college is expensive (her degree was cheap and got her a well paying job) homes are expensive, rent is expensive, most jobs are shit and won’t pay very well, healthcare is expensive, and you need to pay a lot of money to maintain a car (You need a car in America. Good luck walking). She said to me that there are programs for those people and that people just aren’t working hard enough. Ironically she’s also against those programs and believes hard work is a panacea. I tried being understanding with her because she didn’t grow up as a gen z young adult who has to pay more for those things. But she literally cannot and doesn’t want to understand what it’s like. Of course…

I genuinely cannot believe her. It’s like she’s still living in the 80s and 90s. I tried telling her that it’s much different now because college is expensive (her degree was cheap and got her a well paying job) homes are expensive, rent is expensive, most jobs are shit and won’t pay very well, healthcare is expensive, and you need to pay a lot of money to maintain a car (You need a car in America. Good luck walking).

She said to me that there are programs for those people and that people just aren’t working hard enough. Ironically she’s also against those programs and believes hard work is a panacea.

I tried being understanding with her because she didn’t grow up as a gen z young adult who has to pay more for those things. But she literally cannot and doesn’t want to understand what it’s like.

Of course she won’t ever give up those things right now and start again. Gee, I wonder why.

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