
My new CEO is creeping me out. I’m the EA

I just started over a week ago. My first week was at a tradeshow and it was nonstop so I was around him probably 16 hours a day. There was another girl with me there so I didn’t feel completely uncomfortable. the CEO is known to be “not corporate“ and likes to joke around a lot and have fun. However I started noticing he constantly “jokes” about his wife in the most desparaging way. Then he makes jokes about being around us girls and to “push his wife’s buttons to make her mad” He’s said he likes to push buttons. Heres the weird behavior I’ve experienced. In the interview he looked me up and down. I didn’t think anything of it but took note of it. Trade show week: again constantly looking me up and down and smiling and making jokes about spending a lot of time together. They also…

I just started over a week ago. My first week was at a tradeshow and it was nonstop so I was around him probably 16 hours a day. There was another girl with me there so I didn’t feel completely uncomfortable. the CEO is known to be “not corporate“ and likes to joke around a lot and have fun. However I started noticing he constantly “jokes” about his wife in the most desparaging way. Then he makes jokes about being around us girls and to “push his wife’s buttons to make her mad”

He’s said he likes to push buttons. Heres the weird behavior I’ve experienced.

In the interview he looked me up and down. I didn’t think anything of it but took note of it.

Trade show week: again constantly looking me up and down and smiling and making jokes about spending a lot of time together. They also basically pried information out of me about my boyfriend. (The other girl is very loyal to him).

So they knew my boyfriend was not comfortable with me doing lots of travel with this man multiple times a year. The vibe from the conversation was basically “don’t let this become a problem because we will fire you so if he can’t get over it break up with him” ok.

First day in office and I was told to be 10minutes early by the other girl. I was 5 minutes early. I saw on his iMac. That him and the girl were talking about me because i wasn’t 10minutes early and they were being rude and it made me feel uncomfortable.

I was told I would be working 7:30-3:30 but then he told me it’s really 7:30-4 and he doesn’t like people really leaving right at 4. So that’s confusing because there’s no set hours and leaving right away is looked down upon.

MAJOR CREEPING: he kept looking me up and down and smirking, told me he likes my freckles that came out in the sun and getting closed to me when we were sitting next to each other to book travel. Joking about spending time together and not telling our significant others. It’s all jokes but to me it’s inappropriate especially when he tells his wife about me to apparently annoy her. ( apparently she knows he is joking but this is what he tells me )

I just feel extremely uncomfortable and mad. It had a good salary and I do feel like I could get a lot out of this job but after telling my mom she told me to quit immediately and be done. She said I would never win and he has all the power and if he’s doing this now it will only get worse. I’m just afraid he will somehow trash my name. What can I do ?

EDIT: he also stood behind me and lifted a chair but it was weird because he did it directly behind me so his arms were at my sides. Ugh

2nd EDIT: if I quit before 2 weeks I can continue to file my unemployment and search in my desired field. This is also a family business so there’s no way I could even do anything

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