
my new job is stressing me out and it’s only been a month.

just wanted to come in here and rant a little! i’ve been incredibly stressed out by my new hybrid job with the way they handle things. not to mention the fact that my supervisor clearly favors my colleague over me, who started a month before me. i’m not sure if i’m just too stressed out and going crazy but through our team messages you can clearly tell who she enjoys talking to more. as well as when we meet in office. all of our conversations feel forced and that i’m only spoken to because i’m there. it’s uncomfortable going into the office, even if it’s once a week. i’ve recently been instructed to complete daily status reports because my manager had no idea what i was doing during the day and because i wasn’t communicating enough. to be honest, i had no idea how much i should’ve been communicating anyways.…

just wanted to come in here and rant a little! i’ve been incredibly stressed out by my new hybrid job with the way they handle things. not to mention the fact that my supervisor clearly favors my colleague over me, who started a month before me. i’m not sure if i’m just too stressed out and going crazy but through our team messages you can clearly tell who she enjoys talking to more. as well as when we meet in office. all of our conversations feel forced and that i’m only spoken to because i’m there. it’s uncomfortable going into the office, even if it’s once a week.

i’ve recently been instructed to complete daily status reports because my manager had no idea what i was doing during the day and because i wasn’t communicating enough. to be honest, i had no idea how much i should’ve been communicating anyways. i wasn’t instructed to let them know what my plan was for the day and was left to my own devices. which i was used to considering how it was the same with my previous positions. now suddenly they’re complaining about how i don’t tell them shit. truthfully, they should’ve communicated what they wanted from me rather than simply training me and then ditching me.

for one, i wasn’t directly told what tasks i needed to do either. i was trained in a few tasks and went with those but then i thought, is this really it? so for a while there, i felt like i should’ve been doing more. i eventually got the reassurance i needed from my colleague and she mentioned that she didn’t do much in her first 30 days as well. that eased my mind by a lot. later on i was being trained for something else and thought i had to jump in to help but my manager ended up reprimanding me because apparently i wasn’t supposed to do so?? i explained that in previous jobs i was taught something and had to jump right in after learning. she didn’t seem to have much to say to that. and during my 30 day review that involved her boss, she made it seem like i was incompetent so now i’m stuck doing these damn status reports.

all in all, i love the flexibility and pay of this job but it’s so fucking hard to work when you’re under a microscope like this.

tldr; my new hybrid job has put me under the microscope and it’s stressful.

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