
My new manager hates me and it’s eating me up inside.

Since she started working there she’s given me dirty looks. So I started reciprocating her energy. Big fail, I know. I’m not disrespectful but just not being the usually bubbly person I am around her. She came into the store the other day and brought food for everyone and offered everyone except me. She’s picking at everything I do. I’ve made some mistakes but no one is perfect and she’s gone as far as to blame me for things everyone should be responsible for. Also we work at a beauty store and she told me to go fix some mannequin heads after I just did it. I told her I already did it and without saying anything she walks to the back where the displays are and yells my name angrily. She messed up the heads herself and told me I was careless and didn’t fix them. She’s told me…

Since she started working there she’s given me dirty looks. So I started reciprocating her energy. Big fail, I know. I’m not disrespectful but just not being the usually bubbly person I am around her. She came into the store the other day and brought food for everyone and offered everyone except me. She’s picking at everything I do. I’ve made some mistakes but no one is perfect and she’s gone as far as to blame me for things everyone should be responsible for. Also we work at a beauty store and she told me to go fix some mannequin heads after I just did it. I told her I already did it and without saying anything she walks to the back where the displays are and yells my name angrily. She messed up the heads herself and told me I was careless and didn’t fix them. She’s told me how cheap my perfume smells. She’s mocked the way I talk.

She’s cut some hours. I know she’s going to keep cutting my hours until she fired me or I quit, to her satisfaction.
It’s an independently owned store. The owners are very nice people. I love working there, and this person just comes in and decided she despises me for whatever reason. I can’t go to HR because there is no HR. And i know she’s already worked every other higher up. My supervisor told me about some of the comments that have been made about me(not as gossip, but just to be constructive and to see if I make an improvement) and I’ve implemented those things. But after my hours got cut I took the initiative to talk to my managers about some of the problems I’ve been facing. She was stone cold and told me “I don’t know how you got this information”. I think it’s extremely unprofessional to talk about an employee and cut his hours without having a talk to him first about what it is they can work on.

Nothing is going to change. I will be fired because that’s how she wants it, but I just want some help from someone to learn how to deal with the situation. Do I say something? When I’m let go do I tell her her truths? Or just let it go?

I know this is probably super common but in my 16 years of working I’ve never had someone be out for me so bad. And side note, I also think she dislikes gay men. She made side comments about me wearing lipstick. Not what she said but the tone. When you know, you know.

I really liked working there and felt like I was in my element but one person can come in and make it such a toxic environment. Others have started referring to her as Cruella.

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