
My NLRB case is taking forever! Is there anything I can do?

I filed a NLRB case over a year ago after I was let go for discussing pay with my coworkers. I even got my manager to say this via email. So far only a charge letter and amended charge letter has been sent. I understand that the NLRB is very backed up but at the moment but I was initially told the entire process could take a year but only letters to my former employer notifying the case and accusations have been sent there’s been no further movement. I try to email my case worker every month to see if there’s an update but it seems like he’s not even working on it. I’m afraid to go above him because he makes the recommendation for the validity of my case. Maybe this is just venting but has anyone else had a similar experience and is there anything I can do?…

I filed a NLRB case over a year ago after I was let go for discussing pay with my coworkers. I even got my manager to say this via email.

So far only a charge letter and amended charge letter has been sent. I understand that the NLRB is very backed up but at the moment but I was initially told the entire process could take a year but only letters to my former employer notifying the case and accusations have been sent there’s been no further movement. I try to email my case worker every month to see if there’s an update but it seems like he’s not even working on it. I’m afraid to go above him because he makes the recommendation for the validity of my case.

Maybe this is just venting but has anyone else had a similar experience and is there anything I can do?


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