
My office is losing its best team it has had in years over middle management expecting us to be robots

Don't want to go into great details on where I work because I would not put it past someone in the company to see this and this point. However let's just say we deal with used cars and have a hard on for the color blue. It all started in the winter of last year when we had our corporate team came down to have our yearly talk with our location and said in the same breath “you did great this year but we do have some tough times ahead of us.” Werid thing to say but whatever. Then in the dead of winter it came down the pipeline that hours where getting cut. Nothing to crazy to begin with enjoyed the extra days off since winter is so dead for us. During alot of the off time our office put alot of time in “deployment” and when it was…

Don't want to go into great details on where I work because I would not put it past someone in the company to see this and this point. However let's just say we deal with used cars and have a hard on for the color blue.

It all started in the winter of last year when we had our corporate team came down to have our yearly talk with our location and said in the same breath “you did great this year but we do have some tough times ahead of us.” Werid thing to say but whatever.

Then in the dead of winter it came down the pipeline that hours where getting cut. Nothing to crazy to begin with enjoyed the extra days off since winter is so dead for us. During alot of the off time our office put alot of time in “deployment” and when it was all said and done our team was one of the best in the region and in the company reaching the top 25 out of 250 locations.

However during spring the hours cuts got worse then thought things where starting to pick up. Around the same time for whatever reason other departments started dumping little things to our department. Fine but then it got out of hand and between with the hours cut and having half staff we where getting burnt out.

About the time we all got our hours back evey quarter we get a ” Voice of the associate” kind of thing and needless to say the numbers where bad. We had a sit down with the whole team and oh boy the gaslighting was real with management part. Total waste of time and nothing got better. That then start a whole thing that I would like to call “toxic positively” no I don't want a zen garden in the office I want a raise and not do another department job.

Then out of nowhere the micromanagement all started when someone got promoted to supervisor. It was like they flipped a switch overnight. Suddenly all our team breaking numbers where not enough. Could they be better? Sure but we still maintained best in the region and still in the top 25 company wide. Then the pettiness started with all the little stuff that did not mater started to be a big deal. All this while other departments where throwing more and more of there problems on to us and management going “well it is what it is”

This all came to ahead when they decided to fire our most vocal cowork about this over a miss punch in the time clock. Saying that he lied about not punching in on grounds of “violated the culture of integrity.” With this logic all our team should be fired since all of us have done this once and the two managers from out tech shop complete just wipe away those in the system when there techs do this because they understand that they are human and stuff happens. On top of that they can't even be honest with us saying he left of his own accord that is a lie since before they told us he had already texted the whole team saying he got fired. I know some people will say “well you can be to sure if he is telling the truth.” Fair but at thus point I will take the word of someone I worked side by side throughout all the b.s vs our management who at this point is trying to keep the peace and has not have our back for months now at this point and after all that has shatter any trust we had left with them

That leads up to now. Half our team quit after firing of our co work the 3 other that have quit have been pulled to the side by are new supervisor and our manager that oversees our office to belittle them over the most petty thing ever. All of them have left mid shift for more of less doing it as an F U to management. I don't care about that too much since all of them told the rest of the team before management knows lol.

I can see in in management eyes they are stress out. I found the supervisor having a little freak out in one of our back hallways when the 3rd co work quit that day. I feel no sympathy for them this is all there doing. I keep thinking back too the speech Mike gave Walter in breaking bad before Walt killed him on how it going so far. With all this going on what is management doing? They are now documenting all feedback to us good and bad because that's how you keep moral up. I'm laughing now thinking that somewhere on an official document that our supervisor put down “talked to associate about her face.” Yes you heard that right after all this the supervisor had to nerve to tell an a cowork they did not like there face.

Wow way longer then I wanted it to be. Just wanted to rant and let this all out. I can 100% jump ship to somewhere else but I don't think I will be living in the area anymore when my lease is up landlord company sucks and city sucks and moved out here for this job to be closer because before all this I did like this job. Feel Ike I'm stuck between a rock and hard place. The question I keep asking is why? We had a good thing going why did they have to ruin it. I'm just convinced once someone gets into middle management they hand them crack and tell them to smoke it when they can't think of anything for the people under them to do and think of the first thing that pops in there head

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