
My old boss screwed over my boyfriend

Okay i'll try to keep this short, but basically Me, my best friend, and my boyfriend have all worked at this Arby's in our town. My best friend has been there the longest and helped both me and my boyfriend get jobs there. I worked there alongside my best friend for about 8 months before i quit on the grounds of “lack of professionalism and the fact that I wasn't being treated with basic respect and favoritism”. A few months ago, my boyfriend obtained a job there and only worked for about a month. During these weeks, He caught a stomach bug and had to call out for two shifts. He was also sent home one day due to feeling sick. (Our friend also had the bug and also had to call out). He had to call out another time because of a VERY important doctors visit he could not…

Okay i'll try to keep this short, but basically Me, my best friend, and my boyfriend have all worked at this Arby's in our town. My best friend has been there the longest and helped both me and my boyfriend get jobs there. I worked there alongside my best friend for about 8 months before i quit on the grounds of “lack of professionalism and the fact that I wasn't being treated with basic respect and favoritism”. A few months ago, my boyfriend obtained a job there and only worked for about a month. During these weeks, He caught a stomach bug and had to call out for two shifts. He was also sent home one day due to feeling sick. (Our friend also had the bug and also had to call out). He had to call out another time because of a VERY important doctors visit he could not miss or reschedule legally (long story) that was sprung apon him last minute. Each time he called out he had acted professionally and attempted to find coverage. After this, his hours were reduced by ALOT and the following weeks he was not even on the schedule. Every text his sent to the GM was left on read or delivered and we just found out he has been fully fired. Our friend recently got a shift manager position, and was able to see he isn't even in the system anymore. Mind you, he has received no phone calls, no voicemails, no letter, no texts, and no emails about termination. We live in Florida, so by law, this is technically legal, which is BS to me personally. I've heard it is considered a “dick move” for employers to do this. We honestly aren't surprised the GM acted like this considering she is a giant bitch…Our friend said she would quit if I was not for the fact she just got a promotion and has a baby to take care of and can't afford being unemployed right now. I wanted to hear others thoughts on this and maybe here stories of similar situations with power-trippy unprofessional bosses.

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