
My old manager was a swinger.

Buckle up and grab some popcorn because here is a lengthy rant about my boss and manager. When I sent the CV I got a call the same day for a interview (unheard of because i send 50 that year and didnt hear a word from atleast 90% and that after 2-4 weeks). Anyways, I show up for a personal interview, I asked for good and proper training (promised 3 months in HQ), Benefits like a nice company car (Middle class/upper station wagen). I started with s 27k salary (I was honestly just happy to have a job and get the benefits). I started as a service technician the following month. Anyways the guy who interviewed introduced himself as my Boss, lets call him Manual. Manual was in the beginning a friendly and helpful guy, And in the beginning I was very excited to start this job. Within the first…

Buckle up and grab some popcorn because here is a lengthy rant about my boss and manager.

When I sent the CV I got a call the same day for a interview (unheard of because i send 50 that year and didnt hear a word from atleast 90% and that after 2-4 weeks).

Anyways, I show up for a personal interview, I asked for good and proper training (promised 3 months in HQ), Benefits like a nice company car (Middle class/upper station wagen). I started with s 27k salary (I was honestly just happy to have a job and get the benefits). I started as a service technician the following month. Anyways the guy who interviewed introduced himself as my Boss, lets call him Manual. Manual was in the beginning a friendly and helpful guy, And in the beginning I was very excited to start this job. Within the first 2 months, I discovered: Unorganized training from HQ (more like free for all with no structure), 1 month training in HQ (sent to customers 1 month in!). No tools were supplied for me (i basically went out and bought the tools i thought i need on company expense.

I remember vividly sitting in the car after a onsite visit somewhere 4 hours from home crying in the car because I was so overwhelmed. My boss played it down like it will get better. He called me 10 times a fucking day asking what I was doing. keep in mind I made my own appointments, hotel bookings, flights, travelplans etc. I was working 50-60h a week on the road from Monday to Friday, for 27k a year?! Yeah I was crying, because I felt like I had to work this shitty job before i can find someplace better. Another prime example was if I refused to visit a customer Friday afternoon (6h drive there and back + hours onsite), my boss would threaten me with consequences such as a bad referral letter(He fired one of my coworkers and one of her new bosses called my boss, and my boss of course told that new boss how shitty my coworker was) Anyways with the ups and downs I made it 1 year in the company before my Manager became my manager. My manager, ill name him Alex was so far friendly and good friends with my boss Manual( they both worked together in the previously company). Alex became my Manager because He basically turned out to be a shitty salesman.

Im so mad at myself to this day why I did this, but here is one thing I caught Alex doing:
While I was visiting a customer near to where Alex lives, I left my company phone in the car that evenning. He texts me asking me if i know what a swinger club is and if i wanna go with him sometime. For context, Alex was a big ugly dude. So when I read the text message that morning in the car I wrote “what?” and he writes “forget it please delete the messages”. So me having evidence of sexual harrassment being as dumb as I am fucking delete the text and go about my day. I later learned from our office manager that she was also sexually harassed by Alex one evening in the hotel they were both staying at. I was livid and with my moral compass I just couldn't be look, listen or be friendly with Alex anymore. Basically Alex was my Manager and I am the only technician. I used to make my own appointments, now I have some dick telling me I have 2 days for a job I actually need atleast 4 on. So of course That made things so bad for me that after 6 months wrote my resignation letter directly to the president of the HQ company with my boss and manager in CC (the president later called me for a offer as a manager, which i declined as it would basically be the same job different title). I didnt have to mention because a lot of people at HQ hated Alex already, the president understood that He was part of the reason for my leaving.

Fast forward to when the pandemic brokeout, turns out my Manager was fired from the company (for reasons still unknown to me) and they reoffered me the position, I asked for 65k (later got 55k+ Quarterly winnings, which i accepted). The companys is still very unorganized, but Im traveling less and making close to double salary. and I manage a team of technicians. 🙂 My toxic old boss is still there, but he has no voice now.
Not the greatest story, but i hope you found it interesting.

TDLR: my boss and manager treated me like shit got karma and I doubled my salary.

oh my old boss makes 150k a year and he is the reason we dont have the budget to hire more technicians, he drives a company car mercedes gle, and he is the ONLY one in the company (in the world) that drives a car like that.

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