
My partner is about to get fired and we have seen it coming for about a year.

It’s so infuriating. He looked for a job forever, and finally was given the chance with this company. It was four states away, and when the manager told him she’d be promoting him soon, he stupidly believed her. We moved and settled, and almost immediately, he was coming home exhausted, pissed, and worried about his job. When he had to hire his own boss for the job the manager promised him, he felt betrayed. When that boss tried to throw him under the bus for countless things she should have done, he felt betrayed. A number of times they had to “have talks” with him for some imagined slight to someone’s ego, even when it was just asking them to do their jobs. When that boss got fired he thought he was going to get the job he was promised. But no, it then went to an old buddy of…

It’s so infuriating. He looked for a job forever, and finally was given the chance with this company. It was four states away, and when the manager told him she’d be promoting him soon, he stupidly believed her.

We moved and settled, and almost immediately, he was coming home exhausted, pissed, and worried about his job. When he had to hire his own boss for the job the manager promised him, he felt betrayed. When that boss tried to throw him under the bus for countless things she should have done, he felt betrayed. A number of times they had to “have talks” with him for some imagined slight to someone’s ego, even when it was just asking them to do their jobs.

When that boss got fired he thought he was going to get the job he was promised. But no, it then went to an old buddy of the manager, who also doesn’t know how to do the actual job.

It was a year of passive aggression, lies, manipulations, and threats. Every week it seemed, he’d come home thinking he was about to get fired. Despite being early on his projects and churning out things that should have been impossible given the minimal materials he had to do his job, he had work that was constantly getting praised by this same manager.

His best guess is that he got hired when this manager was desperate, and he was offered more than his coworkers. Plus a raise after 6 months, which he got. He thinks her budget is getting tighter and this has been a looming issue for quite some time.

Don’t trust that your manager is not actively trying to get rid of you, especially if the manager is visibly inebriated much of the time they’re around. They will find a reason to toss you.

I have a part time job and I truly don’t know where to go from here.

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