
My pay is insulting, what should I do?

So, sorry for the long post but hoping for some helpful outside opinions. I have been at my current company for over 3 years. When I started, I was in an office specific role, but after COVID hit and my only 2 team members under me left, I was given all of their job responsibilities as a temporary fix. This meant I was now temporarily office management, executive admin, and IT coordinator. I had told my boss that with the growth our company was seeing, I wasn’t able to keep up with the workload. At first, they were understanding and reassured me that it was temporary and that someone else would be taking over when they could find someone to fill the role, but slowly, the conversation became “stop complaining, it’s your job, and if you can’t handle it, it’s because you’re inefficient.” This boss and I had a lot…

So, sorry for the long post but hoping for some helpful outside opinions.

I have been at my current company for over 3 years. When I started, I was in an office specific role, but after COVID hit and my only 2 team members under me left, I was given all of their job responsibilities as a temporary fix. This meant I was now temporarily office management, executive admin, and IT coordinator.

I had told my boss that with the growth our company was seeing, I wasn’t able to keep up with the workload. At first, they were understanding and reassured me that it was temporary and that someone else would be taking over when they could find someone to fill the role, but slowly, the conversation became “stop complaining, it’s your job, and if you can’t handle it, it’s because you’re inefficient.”

This boss and I had a lot of issues, including but not limited to: not letting me go to an emergency doc appointment when I thought my water had broken, giving me a poor performance review for having restrictions during my pregnancy even though I was able to do 90% of my job function still, and coming back to my job description having been changed upon my return from may leave, so that my job description would officially, in writing, include all of the work that I had to “temporarily” take on. She was the head of HR, and I felt that I was being picked on, but had no idea who I could even report it to, so I stayed silent. I have a family to take care of and I am our sole income provider, in an area that does not have many job opportunities available.

My pay has never been great, but when a new director of HR came in, I was given a pay bump, which felt nice because my family and I were so struggling and any money was good money for us. I was also transferred to a different department under a new boss. This gave me hope that my future at the company could work out.

It turned out that my new boss is best friends with my old boss. They still seemed to be a better managerial fit for me, and I’ve continued busting my butt in the hopes that I could work my way for a promotion or another pay raise.

Well, that brings us to current day. Our new review cycles just happened and I got a raise of 2k. This would be great, however, I have been doing market research. It turns out that in my position, in my area, at my tenure, I should be making a minimum of 58k and up to 85k, and that is for just the one role that I work, not the responsibilities they added on that would not traditionally be included in my workplace role, like handling all of IT for 2 continents. My company also has an open role for an entry level’ no experience required position with a pay rate scale of 40-45k, which means after the 2k raise, I am only making 2k more than a potential hire with no experience.

I am terrified of confrontation, but I am very much being used. I need help on how to respectfully bring to their attention that this pay rate is not equitable and needs to be reconsidered and raised.

My husband wants me to put in my notice, but I don’t have anything lined makes me nervous because we need an income. He is saying that the work I provide is invaluable and that instead of letting me g, they would probably offer me more money to try to get me to stay, but it feels like such a huge gamble with I have a family to feed. Any insights here would be great… and if you all know of any jobs wanting to hire an it coordinator who is bilingual with 2 degrees, I guess let me know

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