
My pre-employment time-off was denied after HR says there are no isssues.

I just started on my new job but before my onboarding process when they asked for a start date, I told HR that I can last week of August BUT I have already a vacation scheduled & will be gone for a month & specified the dates. I asked multiple times if there will be no issues or concerns via our email communications and was told, the “program has accepted your start date.” On my first day during onboarding, I asked again in person just to be sure, “Hey, I just want to be sure if there are no issues about my vacation.” HR responds that she gave the dates I disclosed to the program. Later that day, training supervisor asks new hires if we have pre-approved time off and says they honor those and I was asked to email him the dates. The following day, I just confirmed if…

I just started on my new job but before my onboarding process when they asked for a start date, I told HR that I can last week of August BUT I have already a vacation scheduled & will be gone for a month & specified the dates. I asked multiple times if there will be no issues or concerns via our email communications and was told, the “program has accepted your start date.” On my first day during onboarding, I asked again in person just to be sure, “Hey, I just want to be sure if there are no issues about my vacation.” HR responds that she gave the dates I disclosed to the program.

Later that day, training supervisor asks new hires if we have pre-approved time off and says they honor those and I was asked to email him the dates. The following day, I just confirmed if I need to complete any paperwork and he sent me a form. I asked him where to send the forms but I got no response so I just sent it to him.

Weeks into the training I found out we got this mandatory classes that we cannot miss, if we do we have to wait the next available date in order to complete training. I followed up with supervisor but no response so I asked one of the support staff since my vacation will affect those mandatory classes.

Apparently supervisor went on vacation and the manager came to me to discuss about my request. Manager tells me since the gap between my class and the next one when I come back is too long, we might have to modify my training and I said I was ok with whatever will work. Now manager tells me their policy for time-off more than 2 weeks requires approval from upper management and asked me to forward the approved form. I said I dont have that but only the form I was asked by supervisor to complete and my email communication with HR.

A few minutes later, manager tells me they have denied my request. I was asked who I spoke to and gave the name of the HR I was speaking with before I started. Manager tells me that the proof I should present was that the department I am in approved it. I tell the manager that is why I told HR before I even started because I don't know what goes on the training yet and who do I get approval from to see if they would rather have me start later when I come back or it won't jusy work at all. I communicated everything right from the beginning. I even said, to weigh all my options, what if I cut my vacation short, come back before the classes so I dont miss anything? Will upper management agree? Manager callss them back and they still denied saying I will still miss a lot of training for 3 weeks and that I am still new.

I was told to speak with head HR to discuss my options and situation.

Am I at fault? In my mind, what happened to they honor pre-employment time off? How in the world would I know where to get approval specifically when HR was the one who should have done it or messed up with communication? I cannot cancel this trip since I cannot refund plane tickets and too much has been arranged already and will cost a lot. That's why I communicated this right before I even started.

I am just so frustrated.

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