
My Previous Crap Job

My previous employer (PE) really did a number on me and my mental health. I quit suddenly with no notice after being treated like garbage. (Added bonus, it was the day my immediate supervisor left for vacation.) I took time off work to focus on my mental health. My medication had quit working. I had unresolved grief from a parent passing. My self esteem was shot because of that job, too. If I'm honest, the job was a poor fit. Part of why I quit is because I asked for a parity raise to match a new hire and they made up BS excuses why they couldn't. They blamed me for things that were the result of a poor manager. The usual stuff they do to get you to quit rather than admit they made a mistake. I got offered a new job today making $7 an hour more than…

My previous employer (PE) really did a number on me and my mental health. I quit suddenly with no notice after being treated like garbage. (Added bonus, it was the day my immediate supervisor left for vacation.)

I took time off work to focus on my mental health. My medication had quit working. I had unresolved grief from a parent passing. My self esteem was shot because of that job, too. If I'm honest, the job was a poor fit.

Part of why I quit is because I asked for a parity raise to match a new hire and they made up BS excuses why they couldn't. They blamed me for things that were the result of a poor manager. The usual stuff they do to get you to quit rather than admit they made a mistake.

I got offered a new job today making $7 an hour more than I was making a year ago. With better bosses, better benefits, and a larger better run business.

So, PE, you can kiss my grits. Better employers exist. It's why you can't keep people.

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