
My previous job is trying to get me to train my replacement for free over the phone

I left the position to move out of state. I have another job lined up. They wanted me to stay as I was the only person who knew how to do my job, meaning I was unable to call out sick or take any vacation days. I asked for the pto to be added to a check as I knew I’d never be able to use them. I don’t think that was realistic or fair going forward, and neither did the CEO (but it was fine for me apparently. ) So he had me train a back up for my replacement. My replacement didn’t show up either of the two days I was meant to train her. She texted me about five different things today, called me three times, and then asked to FaceTime. I knew at that point I had to tell her I wasn’t her trainer and I…

I left the position to move out of state. I have another job lined up. They wanted me to stay as I was the only person who knew how to do my job, meaning I was unable to call out sick or take any vacation days. I asked for the pto to be added to a check as I knew I’d never be able to use them. I don’t think that was realistic or fair going forward, and neither did the CEO (but it was fine for me apparently. ) So he had me train a back up for my replacement. My replacement didn’t show up either of the two days I was meant to train her. She texted me about five different things today, called me three times, and then asked to FaceTime. I knew at that point I had to tell her I wasn’t her trainer and I will not work for free.

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