I was scheduled to leave at a certain time in the evening before we closed. I had plans so I said “No, I have plans. I have to go home, sorry.” After I already stayed and closed for the first two shifts I worked. This was an optional thing. I said no.
I think they want to fire me now because I went home during my designated time instead of closing. They obviously cannot fire me for leaving at a scheduled time so are trying to make an excuse to fire me to be about how I’m “slow”. Which is true but who the fuck isn’t slow 4 shifts into a job?
I really want to put in my two weeks notice and go work somewhere else, but I only have about two months left of rent savings and if I’m unemployed I’d risk homelessness.
I was already unemployed before this for two months. Despite applying to about 30 jobs per day. Fml. I guess i could take out another $10,000 loan but lord knows I don’t want to do that.
I’m employed with doordash for emergency purposes but they basically pay less than minimum wage where i live. Also, at the job I currently work I only make $200 per week because it’s part time and that’s not enough to feed the rats in my floorboards.