
My sister is being exploited

My sister (20) works for a chain of hotels, she is a model employee, almost never late (im her ride), she works until she is almost dead every day of her life. She cannot lose this job, its her first job, she is mentally and physcially handicapped but cant get disability or any help whatsoever. Nomatter what injustice she is facing, illegal or not, if she loses this job she will lose her life im sure of it %1000 She cries several times everyday of her life, she had a panic attack in my car because she forgot a hair tie and has to have her hair up all day as part of her uniform. Sick? Gotta come in anyway, there are not enough houskeepers at this location to actually run it. One call out adds an extreme amount of work to everyone else. They constantly host large gatherings of…

My sister (20) works for a chain of hotels, she is a model employee, almost never late (im her ride), she works until she is almost dead every day of her life. She cannot lose this job, its her first job, she is mentally and physcially handicapped but cant get disability or any help whatsoever.

Nomatter what injustice she is facing, illegal or not, if she loses this job she will lose her life im sure of it %1000

She cries several times everyday of her life, she had a panic attack in my car because she forgot a hair tie and has to have her hair up all day as part of her uniform.

Sick? Gotta come in anyway, there are not enough houskeepers at this location to actually run it. One call out adds an extreme amount of work to everyone else.

They constantly host large gatherings of hundreds of their friends and family, they are always without exception nastier than regular guests and cause my sister to have to clean black sludge out of the showers whenever these gatherings happen, they have to throw away dozens of sheets every time due to feces smeared on them, from the bottom of my heart I swear I wish I was making all of this up for karma.

Every time she cries at work her boss tells her to grow a pair of balls

One employee is pregnant and lives at the hotel with her 2 kids, a dozen or more non english speaking undocumented immigrants work there and management makes them use white names.
My sister is one of only a couple who bothers to socialize with them via translation app and learn their real names.

In no uncertain terms. This is America.

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