
My SO works at a grocery store. Their department gets near-nightly rants via group text but added a new wrinkle recently: threatening to send them to jail for messing up an order??

Basically, the nightly manifestos are the department manager chewing out employees who forgot to clean something, didn't prep enough of something, didn't clean something well enough, etc without naming names and sending it to everyone in their department. These are multi-hundred word screeds with threats and all that good stuff, but this is the first time one has been threatening to send somebody to jail. Shown verbatim, misspellings and all: 8 piece chicken consists of 2 breast 2 thighs 2 wings 2 legs 10 piece is 5 thighs and 5 legs. This is not negotiable. I don't care what they as for. This is how it comes of they want something different it is 8.99 a pound. Point blank period. If I find out it's not done this way it's considered stealing and you will go to jail. [Another manager name] will have you arrested.

Basically, the nightly manifestos are the department manager chewing out employees who forgot to clean something, didn't prep enough of something, didn't clean something well enough, etc without naming names and sending it to everyone in their department. These are multi-hundred word screeds with threats and all that good stuff, but this is the first time one has been threatening to send somebody to jail.

Shown verbatim, misspellings and all:

8 piece chicken consists of 2 breast 2 thighs 2 wings 2 legs 10 piece is 5 thighs and 5 legs. This is not negotiable. I don't care what they as for. This is how it comes of they want something different it is 8.99 a pound. Point blank period. If I find out it's not done this way it's considered stealing and you will go to jail. [Another manager name] will have you arrested.

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