
My (stb)ex-boss called me CRYING last night when she found out I’m quitting???

I am so baffled rn. I'm quitting my job because its full of jerks who suck at gaslighting, illegal activity, homophobia/transphobia/bigotry (“well we can't be bothered to remember your little nickname”, only kicking out transgender people from the office but allowing non-transgender people doing the same thing to stay, refusing to use appropriate pronouns for clients, and more), and other bizarre nonsense. I turned in my 2 week notice last week. My boss called me last night absolutely sobbing about how could I do this when I was doing so well (note: after I asked for a preplanned review session to occur, I was suddenly told I was doing terrible because they'd have to give me a raise if my review was in good standing) and how much they need me (this is true; my field is a garbage heap right now). The translation to her whining was, she realized…

I am so baffled rn. I'm quitting my job because its full of jerks who suck at gaslighting, illegal activity, homophobia/transphobia/bigotry (“well we can't be bothered to remember your little nickname”, only kicking out transgender people from the office but allowing non-transgender people doing the same thing to stay, refusing to use appropriate pronouns for clients, and more), and other bizarre nonsense. I turned in my 2 week notice last week.

My boss called me last night absolutely sobbing about how could I do this when I was doing so well (note: after I asked for a preplanned review session to occur, I was suddenly told I was doing terrible because they'd have to give me a raise if my review was in good standing) and how much they need me (this is true; my field is a garbage heap right now). The translation to her whining was, she realized she doesn't have anyone to replace me. As in, they will be forced to forfeit the appointments for those clients, which means no money coming in. I made those btches 20k/month after expenses including my wages, and they balk at the idea of paying me more than $2k/month. So I basically just took $20k per month of company money and lit it on fire.

They un-ironically have no idea why they're having such a hard time keeping enough staff to actually see clients, while refusing to take any negative feedback (no seriously, last time I got a late night call from a boss it was to scream at me for literal hours because I wrote up what a client told me about a complaint they had, and I was specifically told, “criticizing my company means criticizing me. And I won't accept that.” aka the boss connected their ego to the business instead of… running a business).

Its maddening. I've never met a more psychotic office culture. This is saying something since I, back during college, watched a coworker stab the tires on his exe's car through the company's windows. The psych patient clients we have are way more sane than any of my coworkers.

Anyway, she begged me to stay at least another month. I said I'd stay another week and then we can discuss it further, IF by the end of this week, she could half my number of clients. This is a big deal because, back before I decided to quit, I'd been asking for 15% reduction in clients for months because of working overtime and was ignored or told “we will talk later but you still have to take care of them until then” followed the next week by them claiming I never told them I wanted a reduction in clients, even when I had discussed it with them via email and instant messenger. If I'm lucky, our upcoming meeting on tuesday, she'll fire me. I'm thinking about putting confetti in my pockets and if she does fire me, I'll throw it up in the air and moonwalk out of the office. Maybe those little celebration poppers? You know the ones that look like little plastic jugs with a string and you pull the string and it shoots confetti like, half a foot away?

Taking suggestions for what should be in my pockets during this meeting though lol

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