
My Supervisor has been “quiet-firing” me for 3 months after she befriended someone I reported to HR

My first mistake was thinking i could trust my supervisor. I used to think highly of my her; we used to grab drinks, exchange gifts and support one another in the office. Relying on her is my number 1 job function because she approves all my projects, client meetings etc., now, we are in limbo after I reported a coworker who has created some serious hostility and she gaslit me the whole meeting. She barely glances over at my desk and doesn’t exchange words/ eye contact with me anymore; she fake smiles now and doesn’t answer her phone. She makes me feel extremely incompetent when I ask questions. She befriended my coworker and they are closer than ever— I’ve been actively applying for jobs and I’m just disappointed how the outcome of this office turned out. I’m just venting how life sucks right now. Any advice?

My first mistake was thinking i could trust my supervisor. I used to think highly of my her; we used to grab drinks, exchange gifts and support one another in the office. Relying on her is my number 1 job function because she approves all my projects, client meetings etc., now, we are in limbo after I reported a coworker who has created some serious hostility and she gaslit me the whole meeting. She barely glances over at my desk and doesn’t exchange words/ eye contact with me anymore; she fake smiles now and doesn’t answer her phone. She makes me feel extremely incompetent when I ask questions. She befriended my coworker and they are closer than ever— I’ve been actively applying for jobs and I’m just disappointed how the outcome of this office turned out.

I’m just venting how life sucks right now. Any advice?

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