
My supervisor lied to the higher ups about a timeline of events to make me look much worse

So in April I made a mistake at work that didn't hurt productivity or cost the company anything, it just caused me to have to change the dates in a log book for a three day period and notate the issue. My supervisor, however, seemed to blow his lid at my mistake. He cursed at me and acted like I was incompetent, even though the mistake was fairly minor. Fast forward to August and I am in the process of changing over recipes at work(I work in Distillation and every three or so months we do a recipe change) and I make the same mistake again. This time I'm freaking out because I remember how he responded last time. I make sure this time that I've covered my bases and do everything to correct the paperwork and log book and create a schedule to correct my mistake over the next…

So in April I made a mistake at work that didn't hurt productivity or cost the company anything, it just caused me to have to change the dates in a log book for a three day period and notate the issue. My supervisor, however, seemed to blow his lid at my mistake. He cursed at me and acted like I was incompetent, even though the mistake was fairly minor. Fast forward to August and I am in the process of changing over recipes at work(I work in Distillation and every three or so months we do a recipe change) and I make the same mistake again. This time I'm freaking out because I remember how he responded last time.

I make sure this time that I've covered my bases and do everything to correct the paperwork and log book and create a schedule to correct my mistake over the next 72 hours BEFORE I let him know. This time he explodes at me, in front of colleagues and even yells “You can't even do your f**king job!”

Humiliating, but yes I made a mistake and I'll own it.

Then yesterday rolls around and out of nowhere the three big wigs at my company AND HR come strolling in and take me to the side. My supervisor had called them and told them that I was sloppy and not paying attention and made these two mistakes within a week of eachother. Because the mistakes were supposedly so close together I had to be written up and this was put in my permanent files which are used at years end to determine raises and bonuses. I tried to explain that this wasn't the case and that it had been months since I had made a mistake like this but they took my Supervisor at his word. When I confronted him about it he said “It was more like 2 and a half weeks” which is INSANE. My supervisor is trying to now gaslight me about my own memory of events. Going to spend the next day or two gathering receipts and paperwork to prove my timeline and get this issue hopefully solved.

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