
My supervisor revoked my work.

I (19nb) have been at the same job since I was 14. I’ve posted about it here in the past. We’ve had a whole lot of managerial changes, and basically everyone moved up a slot and my old boss quit. I’ve dealt with a lot of bullshit here. Verbal abuse, comments about my intelligence, sexual harassment when I was a minor, etc. I stayed because I didn’t know any better and I couldn’t afford to leave. I continue to stay because they pay me far above minimum wage (basically double in my state) and since our managerial changes I’ve been treated with a mutual respect, and my new boss is fantastic. I feel the need to mention that we are not a company, there are only 5 of us in the office, and we have no HR. My supervisor and I are customer service. My supervisor was a very nice…

I (19nb) have been at the same job since I was 14. I’ve posted about it here in the past. We’ve had a whole lot of managerial changes, and basically everyone moved up a slot and my old boss quit. I’ve dealt with a lot of bullshit here. Verbal abuse, comments about my intelligence, sexual harassment when I was a minor, etc. I stayed because I didn’t know any better and I couldn’t afford to leave. I continue to stay because they pay me far above minimum wage (basically double in my state) and since our managerial changes I’ve been treated with a mutual respect, and my new boss is fantastic. I feel the need to mention that we are not a company, there are only 5 of us in the office, and we have no HR. My supervisor and I are customer service.

My supervisor was a very nice woman. She was training me to handle more responsibilities, and sort of “retraining” me on things I had previously been taught wrong. My old-worker had trained me, and I have come to find out she was basically doing everything wrong.

I went into work yesterday, and my supervisor was immediately off. She wouldn’t look at me, I greeted her good morning and she ignored me. She left me alone in our office to go talk to our manager. I did my usual duties, and set my stuff down at “my” desk (it is shared, but on Friday’s it is only me and my supervisor. So for that day, it was my desk). My supervisor came in, took one look at me, and stated. “You’re not answering the phones today, so you can sit up there. Only I can answer the phones, unless I am already on the line or not at my desk. You can assist the people who come in.”

My job is entirely to answer the phones and assist the people who come in, I was specifically hired to do so. I just said okay, and sat at the front area. Shortly after, she questioned one of the papers I had filled out and got upset when I said it was already approved by our boss. The paperwork was filled out correctly. The entire day she was very rude to me, and wouldn’t acknowledge my existence if I had a question. I ended up in tears in my boss’s office, who was equally as confused to why I wasn’t allowed to do my job.

I’m sick of it. I’ve put up with so much bullshit here, and I refuse to be treated like shit with no explanation. I’ve been here longer than all of them, why do I feel like I’m in high school again?

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