
My supervisor wants me to make it look like I need to be micromanaged, how do I ensure the paper trail supports me being an independent worker?

It’s important that I start with – I actually LOVE my job, but bad leadership really makes the difference to me wanting to wake up and go to work. My supervisor wants me to include her in every little update related to my project, every meeting, all of it. She thinks I’m intentionally excluding her from key information when she’s explicitly asked the team to only include her on high level items. The capacity of my role is a little different than the rest of my teams and requires a lot of technical pieces to even reach a “high level”. She doesn’t understand anything technical and has actually flat out said the technical parts don’t matter to her. Anyway, I’ll do what she wants – she wants you to be included in everything, as it happens, then so be it. The problem is, I don’t want it to look like…

It’s important that I start with – I actually LOVE my job, but bad leadership really makes the difference to me wanting to wake up and go to work.

My supervisor wants me to include her in every little update related to my project, every meeting, all of it. She thinks I’m intentionally excluding her from key information when she’s explicitly asked the team to only include her on high level items. The capacity of my role is a little different than the rest of my teams and requires a lot of technical pieces to even reach a “high level”. She doesn’t understand anything technical and has actually flat out said the technical parts don’t matter to her.

Anyway, I’ll do what she wants – she wants you to be included in everything, as it happens, then so be it. The problem is, I don’t want it to look like I NEED her to be a part of all of these things. I’m doing great and my projects are moving smoothly. This is her being insecure. Shes even made comments that she doesn’t like that I am a (natural) leader because she’s the supervisor.

Im contemplating asking her how she wants me to communicate and to put it via email since she doesn’t like me leading myself. (Btw, this is a mid-career role, none of us are entry level).

To add to the complexity, we just got a new manager, long overdue but I don’t want to look bad to the new manager. This manager is coming into a shit show of a team so I’m hoping it unravels on its own but there’s are many things that I handle that need to be addressed at the manager level and my supervisor wants to be included in it all. I understand having the supervisor in the beginning but at some point a line needs to be drawn.

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