
My take on the antiwork movement.

Work is a necessity, because it literally fuels civilisation. People can complain about capitalism, and yes, it is not a perfect system, definitely favours the rich, and needs reworking, especially in America, but the bottom line is- people have to work to keep everything running. Millions of people have worked just for your everyday lifestyle to remain intact. Work is also a fundamental necessity, not just for practicality's sake, but to keep people busy. There's a reason the term NEET exists and isn't exactly associated with the happiest of people. Overall, I think that worker's rights should absolutely be maintained, protected and improved, and those who are completely unable to work should not be forced to do so. However, people with this subreddit's mindset need to understand that work is an inherent feature of civilization that, for the time being, cannot be removed. If you refuse to work and have…

Work is a necessity, because it literally fuels civilisation. People can complain about capitalism, and yes, it is not a perfect system, definitely favours the rich, and needs reworking, especially in America, but the bottom line is- people have to work to keep everything running. Millions of people have worked just for your everyday lifestyle to remain intact.

Work is also a fundamental necessity, not just for practicality's sake, but to keep people busy. There's a reason the term NEET exists and isn't exactly associated with the happiest of people. Overall, I think that worker's rights should absolutely be maintained, protected and improved, and those who are completely unable to work should not be forced to do so.

However, people with this subreddit's mindset need to understand that work is an inherent feature of civilization that, for the time being, cannot be removed. If you refuse to work and have no good reason, then you are simply not participating in society. You can tell me that nobody should 'have' to work, but you need to understand that if everyone adopted your mindset, civilization would collapse. If civilization collapses, you're still going to have to 'work' in one way or another.

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