
My therapist understands my job and capitalism Is the problem but since I can’t yet afford to quit doesn’t know how to help me.

I am BEYOND burnt out, and it's ruining my life. Every time in my career I felt like this. I've just had to change jobs because I fully recognize the company isn't going to change. I've tried talking to bosses co-workers everyone and the only thing that seems to work is changing jobs until that job then burns me out. I can't continue this merry-go-round so the plan right now is to save, take a short sabbatical, and change careers, hopefully to something that helps shift things for people socially. I make good money right now which is why it's a struggle for me to quit. I'm trying to build some financial stability before I make this change and I'm not too far, maybe a year, two at the most from making it happen… But I am so burnt out I'm worried about having a severe mental breakdown or a…

I am BEYOND burnt out, and it's ruining my life. Every time in my career I felt like this. I've just had to change jobs because I fully recognize the company isn't going to change. I've tried talking to bosses co-workers everyone and the only thing that seems to work is changing jobs until that job then burns me out.

I can't continue this merry-go-round so the plan right now is to save, take a short sabbatical, and change careers, hopefully to something that helps shift things for people socially.

I make good money right now which is why it's a struggle for me to quit. I'm trying to build some financial stability before I make this change and I'm not too far, maybe a year, two at the most from making it happen…

But I am so burnt out I'm worried about having a severe mental breakdown or a heart attack before then.

My bills are generally incredibly inexpensive… With Food and Housing being what I spend the bulk of my money on… And yet… Of course I can't afford to live on less.

Today my therapist literally told me that everything I was feeling was right and valid and all of my logic was in the right place but that she doesn't know how to help me… Because she admits the first thing I have to do is get the burnout under control.

I just feel so helpless.

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