
My work expects us to be available during weekends to attend conferences for recruitment purposes

I work in a small company in the oncology medical field. Recently the bosses have been worried because we have less patients and have been sending us (exempt workers, 7 employees) to attend medical conferences to network with doctors several times per month. The situation is that they ask us to attend, they don’t ask if we are available to attend. The last couple of times I’ve been asked, I’ve declined due to having previous engagements. I am aware this displeases them, however, I work more than my 40hour work weeks (which is what my contract states I work) and all my work is always up to date so I don’t think it’s fair to my personal life and family that I should also sacrifice my weekends for a job. Today we were approached yet again for another conference for which I finally volunteered because it was on a weekday.…

I work in a small company in the oncology medical field. Recently the bosses have been worried because we have less patients and have been sending us (exempt workers, 7 employees) to attend medical conferences to network with doctors several times per month.

The situation is that they ask us to attend, they don’t ask if we are available to attend. The last couple of times I’ve been asked, I’ve declined due to having previous engagements. I am aware this displeases them, however, I work more than my 40hour work weeks (which is what my contract states I work) and all my work is always up to date so I don’t think it’s fair to my personal life and family that I should also sacrifice my weekends for a job.

Today we were approached yet again for another conference for which I finally volunteered because it was on a weekday. One of my coworkers told me that our supervisor said “yes, I have to speak to ~someone~ because whenever we ask for volunteer they never volunteer”. My coworker then said she thinks our supervisor meant me. This bothered me because I have volunteered in the past but I am genuinely a busy person with family and also it bothered me that my coworker just assumed they meant me.

Anyway, unless they specifically approach me I won’t even ask about it but if I am asked, what is something I can say as to why I don’t volunteer more?

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