
my workload has tripled.

I work for a used car dealership that sounds like starvana. We just went through our second round of layoffs and my job is now completely overwhelming. I lost about half the people at my level in my department so now I'm responsible for 3 times the amount of direct reports. And now we're also doing the job of a department that was laid off. So now my job has new demands and requirements that we were not trained or prepared for. Every day there's another major change to expectations and non-negotiables. The people above me are tone deaf cheerleaders for the company and don't understand why the people at my level are overwhelmed. I hate it and every time I feel like I get a handle on my new expectations it changes again. I can't establish a routine or methodology to my work because things are changing too fast.…

I work for a used car dealership that sounds like starvana. We just went through our second round of layoffs and my job is now completely overwhelming. I lost about half the people at my level in my department so now I'm responsible for 3 times the amount of direct reports. And now we're also doing the job of a department that was laid off. So now my job has new demands and requirements that we were not trained or prepared for. Every day there's another major change to expectations and non-negotiables. The people above me are tone deaf cheerleaders for the company and don't understand why the people at my level are overwhelmed. I hate it and every time I feel like I get a handle on my new expectations it changes again. I can't establish a routine or methodology to my work because things are changing too fast. One the phrases that keeps getting thrown around is to 'stay scrappy” and “we're all in this together “. Being scrappy is for one off scenarios, not daily work. It's too much. And it doesn't feel like we're all in this together when I'm doing the job of my peers, the payroll department, with no raise or relief. It's like the leaders want the same results from a much smaller group of people. When asked what they're doing for retention to keep people at my level from quitting from being overworked, they had no plans. They just want loyalty. Well I can't be loyal when I'm being spread so thin that I get anxiety attacks and there's no stability here. The company is failing and leaders are saying we're financially fine for the next few years. Then fucking pay me for the multiple jobs youre making me do!

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