
Name listed on company website, but I quit

I quit my job in August after a year and a half of carrying the department on my back and doing everyone’s work with no increase in salary or benefits – with the added gift of a toxic micromanaging boss who stole credit for my work. Today I was googling my name to see what would come up and magically, for the first time, my name pops up on the company website as “current staff.” My entire tenure there my name was never on the website and I had to fight tooth and nail to get basic recognition for my work. I should note my ex boss was very angry when I quit (was very hostile during my notice period), and numerous times before I put in my notice, when I tried to come to a compromise with him about my role and responsibilities, he told me that I was…

I quit my job in August after a year and a half of carrying the department on my back and doing everyone’s work with no increase in salary or benefits – with the added gift of a toxic micromanaging boss who stole credit for my work.

Today I was googling my name to see what would come up and magically, for the first time, my name pops up on the company website as “current staff.” My entire tenure there my name was never on the website and I had to fight tooth and nail to get basic recognition for my work.

I should note my ex boss was very angry when I quit (was very hostile during my notice period), and numerous times before I put in my notice, when I tried to come to a compromise with him about my role and responsibilities, he told me that I was the best person who worked that role.

So, should I contact a friendly colleague at the company to have my name removed from the website? I’m in no way claiming I’m a big shot or something (I was working a very lower level role, that’s why I carried everyone ) but it feels like they’re trying to use my name to add legitimacy to the department.

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