
Navigating a Difficult Work Relationship – Unrealistic Expectations

As professionals, we all have experienced difficult situations with our bosses at some point in our careers. For me, it feels like my current boss is constantly setting me up for failure by overwhelming me with work and then criticizing me for not completing it all to her satisfaction. Instead of acknowledging and appreciating the work that I am able to complete, she focuses on the tasks that I am unable to finish within an 8-hour workday. It's not just the amount of work that is the issue, but also the way in which she communicates with me. My boss never confirms anything in writing and instead opts for verbal communication, making it impossible for me to have any written proof of our conversations or agreements. This puts me in a vulnerable position, as I am unable to defend myself if ever questioned about my work or performance. It's a…

As professionals, we all have experienced difficult situations with our bosses at some point in our careers. For me, it feels like my current boss is constantly setting me up for failure by overwhelming me with work and then criticizing me for not completing it all to her satisfaction. Instead of acknowledging and appreciating the work that I am able to complete, she focuses on the tasks that I am unable to finish within an 8-hour workday.

It's not just the amount of work that is the issue, but also the way in which she communicates with me. My boss never confirms anything in writing and instead opts for verbal communication, making it impossible for me to have any written proof of our conversations or agreements. This puts me in a vulnerable position, as I am unable to defend myself if ever questioned about my work or performance.

It's a frustrating and draining experience, and it's hard not to take it personally. But, I have come to realize that this is not about me or my abilities. It's about my boss's management style and her own insecurities. Instead of allowing myself to be consumed by this negative energy, I have chosen to adopt a passive attitude. I am not going to waste time and energy stressing about something that I cannot control.

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