
NE governor forces thousands of workers back into the office full-time via executive order.

Super frustrating because multiple state agencies already constantly struggle to fill openings. Here is the copied text of the EO: “WHEREAS, the Office of the Governor examined the status of the State of Nebraska's public servant workforce and concluded thata significant portion ofthat workforce remains in hybrid or remote work arrangements which were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic; ‘WHEREAS, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-113 requires each executive department to be open to transact business from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. cach day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays; ‘WHEREAS, executive departments ofthe State of Nebraska have an obligation to deliver their services to the public in an efficient and reliable manner that utilizes tax dollars responsibly; WHEREAS, the citizens of Nebraska have the common sense expectation that people are most productive when they are working together in the office and not remotely; and “WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic is over, and the…

Super frustrating because multiple state agencies already constantly struggle to fill openings.

Here is the copied text of the EO: “WHEREAS, the Office of the Governor examined the status of the State of Nebraska's public servant workforce and concluded thata significant portion ofthat workforce remains in hybrid or remote work arrangements which were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic; ‘WHEREAS, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-113 requires each executive department to be open to transact business from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. cach day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays; ‘WHEREAS, executive departments ofthe State of Nebraska have an obligation to deliver their services to the public in an efficient and reliable manner that utilizes tax dollars responsibly; WHEREAS, the citizens of Nebraska have the common sense expectation that people are most productive when they are working together in the office and not remotely; and “WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic is over, and the people of Nebraska expect their elected leaders to restore Nebraska's public servant workforce to the posture it was in prior to the pandemic. NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Jim Pillen, Governor of the State of Nebraska, under and pursuant to the authority vested in the Governor by the Constitution and the lawsofthe State of Nebraska, do hereby order and direct the following: 1. Beginning January 2, 2024, the regular work schedules of all public servants employed by the State of Nebraska shall be from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day except Saturdays, ‘Sundays, and days declared by statutory enactment or proclamationofthe President or Governor to be holidays. 2. Beginning January 2, 2024, all public servants employed by the State of Nebraska shall perform their work in the office, facility, or field location assigned by their agency and not from a remote location.
3. Agency heads may grant exceptions (the schedule and location requirements for the following individuals and circumstances: a. Public servants whose regularly assigned work hours are outsideofthe normal business hours sated above. b. Public servants who move away fromtheir original office duty location and for whom no reasonable in-office arrangement is possible. This exception is not available to public servants who move outside of Nebraska. c. Anagency is at full building occupancy and new office space would have to be acquired at additional cost d. An agency headdetermines that an exception is necessary to sustain critical operations in a business area with a workforce shortfall. Such determination is subject to the approval of the Governor. €. Any other exception orcircumstances imposed by law. 4. Any exception made for a public servant must be on an individualized basis and be approved by the agency head. Public servants who are allowed to work in a remote or hybrid status shall have mechanisms in place for measuring and confirming productivity. 5. Each agency head shall providea quarterly report to the DepartmentofAdministrative Services State Personnel Division (SPD) regarding the compositionoftheir workforce that is working in a remote or hybrid status. Upon the request of SPD, each agency shall provide an individualized rosterofexceptions approved under this policy and identify ‘which exception is applicable. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and cause the Seal of the State of Nebraska to be affixed this 9″ day of November, 2023.”

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